Research and Innovation
Our Commitment
Our team of five sub-specialized gynecologic surgeons are committed to providing not only the highest standards of care for every patient, but also to leading growth and innovation in obstetrics and gynecology. Our active research unit is involved in clinical trials, surgical innovation, and quality improvement projects.

Research Coordinator

Cassandra Della Rocca, BSc
Our team is fortunate to work with a passionate, motivated, and bright research coordinator – Cassandra Della Rocca oversees all aspects of our team's research projects, which includes connecting with patients, working with the hospital ethics and institutional review board, registering trials online, submitting manuscripts for publication in peer-reviewed journals, and applying for research grants and bursaries.
Cassandra holds a Bachelor of Science in Anatomy and Cell Biology form McGill University and has a background in Reproductive Biology research at the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC)
Active projects

Eliminating Narcotics from Outpatient Gynecologic Surgery:
The eNARCOS trial
➥ There is a growing opioid crisis in North America - can we make surgery safer for patients and the community by eliminating narcotics from gynecologic day-surgery?
➥ Status: Actively Recruiting
➥ Clinical trial protocol:
Evaluating Tibolone as Add-Back in Patients with Endo and Fibroids:
The eTAPE trial
➥ Some women require medication (like Lupron) to treat endometriosis or fibroids, which can temporarily cause symptoms of menopause. Can Tibolone, a unique menopausal hormone therapy medication, help patients manage these side effects?
➥ Status: Approval pending
➥ Clinical trial protocol:

Medical Management of Ovarian Endometriomas:
A systematic review and meta-analysis
➥ Endometriomas (also known as chocolate cysts) grow and shrink in response to hormones. What medications are effective (and how effective are they) at shrinking these ovarian cysts?
➥ Status: Data extraction
➥ Prospero Protocol: CRD 42022363319,
Evaluating Conservative Options for Managing Placenta Accreta Spectrum Safely
The eCOMPASS Study
➥ Abnormally invasive placentation is rare, but on the rise with increasing rates of Cesarean Section. What are uterus-sparing (i.e. non-hysterectomy) options for managing this serious condition?
➥ Status: Data extraction
➥ Prospero Protocol: CRD 42022359283,